MusicRecord Reviews

The Raveonettes

In and Out of Control, the new record from Danish garage rock duo The Raveonettes, is a bit shocking upon first listen. Full of catchy hooks and anthem-y choruses, it seems to divert far from the course of the band’s earlier work. But closer inspection reveals all the same fuzzy, dirty, electro-trash rock we’ve come to know and love, only this outing finds it shrouded in sugar-coated, gum-snapping, ’60s pop goodness. And it’s still more rock AND roll than Jack White could shake a stick at.

The fun starts off with a bang, literally, with what may be the most virus-like song of the year. The aggressively beat-driven, upbeat “Bang” is destined to become a concert favorite. And who but The Raveonettes could write a ridiculously tuneful rockabilly/pop/oldies piece titled “Boys Who Rape (Should All Be Destroyed)?” It’s got so much more than just a positive message going for it.

There are wonderful melodies and a lot of outright prettiness on this record of trashy, distorted guitars blanketing themes of sex, violence and vengeance, and I love it. If it’s not my favorite of 2009, it’s right up there.