
Sunny 100

Sunny 100

Lineup: Matt Nelson, Josh McCauley, Jeremy Wheatley, Nate Nelson, Thayer Sarrano, Matt Stoessel. Shares members with: A. Armada, Maserati, LeMaster, White Violet, Crooked Fingers and many more. Influences: Fleetwood Mac.

When Flagpole first listed Sunny 100 in our Calendar, the only description we were provided was that this band was a follow-up to A. Armada—the now defunct instrumental post-rock band shared by Matt Nelson and Josh McCauley. And although the two groups may share members, that’s about all they share. Sunny 100 is sonically quite a departure from the former group, offering a more singer-songwriter-driven approach with warm, mellow guitar tones and the occasionally honeyed glaze of pedal steel, care of Thayer Sarrano.

The band’s opening slot for Dead Confederate at the Georgia Theatre also marked the first time I’ve ever witnessed a drummer keep the beat while playing a harmonica at the same time—nice moves there, Mr. Wheatley. In reference to the band’s musical influences, Matt says they “are always shifting,” so while the nod to Fleetwood seems apropos at the moment, there’s no telling where the group will venture next. Sunny 100’s set is already diverse for a new project; some songs smolder with Pink Floyd-esque guitar lines, others venture into galloping surf-rock territory, but all are tied together with a rich sense of melody.

Matt Nelson and Wheatley have been off on a six-week tour playing with Crooked Fingers, which explains Sunny 100’s absence from our local concert calendar, but now that everyone’s back home, expect to see more shows in the near future. The band doesn’t have a website yet, but if you search for “Sunny 100 GA Theater” on YouTube, you can find a clip of a more surfy number played live.

Next show: Check Flagpole Calendar for listings.