From now until Dec. 30, music editor Gabe Vodicka will reveal his top 10 (non-local) albums of 2015, and news editor Blake Aued (along with his 17-month-old daughter, Iris) will review each selection in response.
5. Wilco: Star Wars
Gabe: Wilco’s surprise free release was surprisingly free—full of dissonant guitars and kraut-y flourishes, a downright fun listen from a band not necessarily known for its hijinks. Plus, there’s a kitty cat on the cover. Lookit that cat!
Blake: Twenty-one-year-old Blake thinks this is the best year-end list of ALL TIME. (Minus the cat, of course. #teamdog)
Iris: Looks pensive. I think this also taking her back. (To that one time I was playing Wilco a couple weeks ago, maybe?) Three milks out of four.
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