Yes, it’s available at in two different configurations and in a mobile and tablet iteration, but you’ll also want one you can hold in your hand and keep in your bookbag or your car, your briefcase or your desk. It’s the 2013-14 Flagpole Guide To Athens, and it’s full of helpful information for those who want to know their way around. The Guide has the lowdown on every bar and restaurant in Athens that was open by press time, and it has the essential information you need to help you navigate when you’re out and about and to help you get the lay of the land when you want to get a better grasp on Athens.
Our staff and writers have put a lot of energy into assembling this compendium and arranging it to make it as user-friendly as possible. If you keep a Guide handy, you will be surprised at how often you consult it, because it is designed with you in mind, trying to anticipate what you want to know about Athens and how best to present the information to make it as helpful as possible.
In the Guide you’ll find a potpourri of facts about Athens, a schedule of annual events, stuff for kids, where to see art, theater and movies, where to buy books and where to go to the park. There are listings of activities you can participate in and classes you and your kids can take; there’s a complete rundown of all the music venues in town and a handy key to lodging in the area. You can also see all the local businesses voted as Favorites by Flagpole readers, not to mention the restaurant and bar guide, other options for food and a special section on local farms that sell to the public and give tours. We’ve got very helpful maps of Athens, downtown and UGA, too.
The Guide is available at over 300 locations around Athens and Watkinsville. As usual, it is free of charge—brought to you by all our advertisers. We keep it in stores and bars and restaurants and boxes and racks all year, restocking when the supply gets low, so that the Guide is always there for you when you need it. We make it available, because we don’t want you to live without it, which would be a pretty grim existence.
Know your town. Find your way around. Discover the new, and enjoy the familiar. The Guide can help. That’s why it’s here.
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