Letters to the EditorNews

Mayor Should Reject Selig Development

To Mayor Nancy Denson:

Good afternoon. I am writing to you today to express my displeasure with your acceptance of and cooperation with the Selig project on the old Armstrong & Dobbs property. I have been a resident of Athens for 16 years. I have worked in local restaurants, bars, warehouses and shops, and every one of them was locally created and owned by innovative, intelligent, and community conscious citizens, many of whom set the table for their dreams to come true while getting their education at the University of Georgia.

 As well as being a regular at local businesses, I am a huge fan and supporter of the local arts and music scene, and I am thrilled to witness the fast rise of a writing scene here in town. This place is special, Mayor Denson.

My house is full of art and records that remind me of the many experiences I have had in this wonderful city. My point is that this town we live in is becoming more and more of a destination city and a tourist attraction due to the hard work and dedication of these innovative people here in our own community.

Please reject the Selig project and continue efforts to develop this land in a way that best reflects the people that make this town tick from the bottom up. Reward your hardworking individuals with pedestrian walkways, and support our local culture by creating a space worthy of our city’s innovators and show us, the people, that you believe in us and our ideas.  Do not tear down one of the most beautiful buildings in town and settle for an immediate economic boost that you seem to think is the answer. Mayor Denson, I urge you to respect the laws of this county and the wishes of its people. Please make the right decision and represent us. 

The more you neglect to consider what the people of this town wish to see will, in my opinion, greatly lessen your chances at re-election. I believe that those that oppose this development project will rally enough voters to make sure that we get somebody in office who will speak for us and shows us the support that we deserve.

I hope that you reconsider your position on the development of this city and give yourself a chance to do what is right.