Arts & Culturecalendar picks 1

Classic City Rollergirls vs. Dub City Derby Girls


Photo Credit: Richard Hamm

Classic City Rollergirls

Since its start in 2006, the Classic City Rollergirls team has demonstrated in addition to its good game, a dedicated commitment to the local community. There may be only five or so home bouts per season, but the ladies practice hard year-round to prepare. In the next bout, the CCRG Bad News B’s—debuting several new skaters who joined the league this past January—face off against the Dub City Derby Girls of West Palm Beach, FL. The team has had a record number of league members and skaters this year, and through a recent “SAVE OUR SKIN!” campaign, was finally able to purchase a $30,000 portable skating floor, allowing for even more hard-hitting action under safer conditions. Doors open at 6 p.m., and a percentage of the night’s proceeds will benefit AIDS Athens. Tickets are sold out as of Friday, July 5.


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