Brooklyn transplant Keith Beaver has begun making waves around Athens with his Xtra Colours project, wherein he balances minimalist electro-dance structure with staccato synths. The resulting sound is not unlike early Caribou (then Manitoba) or Four Tet. But Beaver knows the power of negative space; his music’s ominous emptiness also calls to mind newer producers like The Haxan Cloak. Tightly coiled and texturally rich, the few Xtra Colours tunes already available suggest that the project’s upcoming album will be an immersive experience. Local beat-psych duo Future Ape Tapes recently released a gem in the Somnambuland cassette, a sure-footed step forward for the group. Experimental mainstay and good-natured session dude John Fernandes opens with a set of his out-there loops and instrumental explorations.
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