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Athens Power Rankings for the Week of June 23

Photo Credit: Joshua L. Jones

Family and Friends.

Welcome to Athens Power Rankings. In the spirit of sports rating systems, through painstaking analysis, we rank the top movers and shakers in the Classic City each week. Who’s hot? Who’s not? Find out below.

1. AthFest

Hundreds of bands and tens of thousands of fans braved heat stroke and awful sound last weekend to gorge on Athens’ music scene. Relive the glory.

2. Family and Friends

Sure, they sound like Mumford and Grandsons, but the kids love ’em! They picked up Upstart and Artist of the Year at the Flagpole Athens Music Awards.

3. Nancy Denson

The mayor won approval for her hand-picked choice for Athens-Clarke County auditor, Steve Martin, even though Commissioner Jerry NeSmith said the opaque selection process reeked of “cronyism.”

4. Jamie Boswell

Most people can’t illegally post a sign on the side of the road advertising their business. But when you serve on the GDOT board and you know the county commission chairman, the rules don’t apply to you.

5. #SaveWRAS

The movement to stop Georgia Public Broadcast from taking over the renowned college radio station Album 88 is running out of time. Read more in this week’s Flagpole.