THAT’S ALL, FOLKS: In a surprising but completely understandable move, live recordist Sloan Simpson (Sloan Brothers, Obligatory Refractions) announced last week that his two-decade-old online repository of live recordings, Southern Shelter, was shutting down permanently. There were a few reasons, but they generally distill down to Simpson no longer having the mental bandwidth to maintain and update the site after a disastrous switch in web hosts destroyed much of the site over the past couple of years. Additionally, Simpson—who for years was a live show staple in town who could always be counted on to have a special show you saw or missed available to hear—hasn’t been recording nor attending shows since the beginning of the pandemic. On a more personal note, Simpson has found much fulfillment with his own musical recording projects as well as working with Bryan J. Howard‘s studio project Del Toro Sound. There are also special projects peppered throughout his workflow, too, such as his mixing of the Cracker Live In Madrid CD. Simpson told me, “None of those things would be possible without the things I’ve learned and friends I’ve made through recording live shows and Southern Shelter. I’m looking forward to writing and recording more music and collaborating with friends.” As a fan and friend, I feel like I speak for many when I say thank you, Sloan, for your many years of dedicated and elevating work.
TAKE SOME MOMENTS: Do you have exactly three minutes and 38 seconds to spare? If so, consider spending them on the new single from Nana Grizol named “Black Box.” This galloping and catchy tune is the lead single from the group’s upcoming album Dancing Dogs which is slated for release Dec. 23. The single, though, is available now. The new album is composed of the original versions of the songs that appeared on the band’s 2010 LP Ruth. Its most recent full-length release is 2020’s South Somewhere Else. For more information, please see and
SEE YA NEXT YEAR!: Zero Mile Presents and Super Canoe will host the third, so far, reunion show by Modern Skirts on Saturday, Dec. 31 at the Georgia Theatre. Also on the bill this night are Vision Video, Tedo Stone and a dance party featuring the Booty Boyz. Advance tickets will run you $20, and it’ll be $25 at the door, but there’s a real solid chance of this selling out so make your plans now. As of this writing, tickets aren’t on sale yet, but by the time you read this they may well be. So keep checking, and drop some bucks when you’re ready.

FOUR OF A KIND: Athens’ hardcore super group Weaponized Flesh will celebrate the release of its debut EP Hurtful this Friday, Nov. 18 at Flicker Theatre & Bar. Also on the Shadebeast Presents bill this night are the irrepressible Beast Mode and Greenville, SC’s NeverFall. The record was actually released just at the end of October, so you can stream it as we speak. While I colloquially refer to the band as “hardcore,” there’s more than a hearty helping of thrash metal here, too, and as the band mentioned in an email to Flagpole, “The band is simply loud, fast and, well, fast and loud.” And that works just fine for me. This is a five-song punch in the face, and I fully expect Flicker to be packed for this one. So, cut the shit and start the pit over at
ROCK IT ON: The Michael Guthrie Band, a core staple entry in the canon of Athens power pop, will release the first ever CD version of its 1981 LP Direct Hits. This comes out Nov. 20 and is available exclusively online. Cost is $18 shipped worldwide. The CD version was mastered by Jason NeSmith and contains all the tracks from the original release, plus live tracks from Atlanta’s Agora Ballroom. Find this and order at Please note there is no “buy” button on the site, so you’ll need to click “donate” to order. It’s a little confusing, but you’re smart people and should be able to figure this out.
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