
Athens GA Live Music Recap: ConSec, Father Werewolf, Bob Hay, Ear Attic and More


With Gregory Frederick behind the camera, Athens GA Live Music seeks to document local and touring bands gracing stages across the Classic City. Explore the whole archive and subscribe to the channel here. Get up to speed with recent performances below, and remember to check Flagpole‘s music calendar each week to find out about upcoming shows.

Before we get started, lets dip into a chapter on The Getaway Company from Athens GA Live Music’s ongoing “Inside Athens” series. This 18-minute mini doc combines live performances at multiple venues, recording at Nuçi’s Space, interviews and more.

On to the shows! Squalls celebrated the release of its new album Live From The 40 Watt at—you guessed it—the 40 Watt Club on Thursday. Aug. 18. Released via Strolling Bones Records, the album features live recordings of shows recorded by club engineer Pat “The Wiz” Biddle in the early ’80s. After sets by Wild Jordan Tonk-Cats and Bob Hay, who sang Robert Burns poetry, the Tonk-Cats joined Hay on stage for a set of Squalls songs. Pylon Reenactment Society closed out the night. Read more here.

Meanwhile, Feral Joy and Sex Cells played next door at Flicker Theatre & Bar.

On Friday, Aug. 19, Red Line Athens hosted Ear Attic, Beneath Trees (Savannah) Dramamine.

That night back at Flicker, Aunt Moth and Phantom Ships (Greenville, SC) performed.

On Saturday, Aug. 20, the 40 Watt hosted a punk show with ConSec, Nag (Atlanta), Upchuck (Atlanta), Vincas and McQQeen. McQQeen celebrate the tape release of McQQeen II, which you can check out here.

JOKER JOKER Gallery hosted an outdoor show on Sunday, Aug. 21 with Rat Babies, Instant Smile and Mongo.

Karaoke hosted by Rodeo, Maple Stave (Durham, NC) and Father Werewolf closed out the weekend at World Famous on Sunday, Aug. 21.