Athens’ only official improv festival is back for its second year to showcase local and Atlanta improv performers and give audiences the chance to learn more about improv, and even give it a try. The four-day festival will begin on Aug. 21 with a free improv show at Buvez at 7 p.m. There will be a free improv jam open to the public at on Aug. 22 at 7:30 p.m. The festival’s main event, a full night of shows at Buvez from 6–11 p.m., is on Aug. 23 with tickets set at $15. Athens Improv Festival is a product of Flying Squid Comedy, a local comedy theater and school started by Kelly Petronis, who says the goal of the festival is to connect Atlanta’s lively improv scene with Athens’ burgeoning one, essentially “trying to introduce as many improvisers as we can and see what happens.”
WHO: Athens Improv Festival
WHEN: Aug. 21–22
WHERE: Multiple Locations
HOW MUCH: Prices Vary
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