Wandering indie-folk troubadour David Dondero is a legend in certain circles. His lived-in tunes are often cited as a prime influence on a young Conor Oberst (Dondero did the warbly-confessional thing before it was hip). Oberst would go on to eclipse his hero in the popular sphere, but Dondero remains a critical darling, having been named one of the “best living songwriters” by NPR a few years back. The songwriter’s Athens ties run deep: Not only was he a Classic City resident for a spell back in the early aughts, but Dondero, currently a San Francisco resident, puts out music on local imprint Ghostmeat Records (though his new one, This Guitar, was Kickstarter-funded and independently released). A couple years back, Dondero hinted that he was done with touring, citing the failing industry, but he’s obviously since reversed course. Good thing for us.
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