Brooklyn duo Sleigh Bells returns to Athens Tuesday, its pummeling, hook-laden arena-pop in tow. The band first made headlines for its intriguing personnel mash-up: singer Alexis Krauss had been best known for her membership in saccharine teen-pop group RubyBlue, while guitarist Derek Miller shredded in the early august with Miami hardcore misfits Poison the Well. Not a whole lot has changed since in Sleigh Bells’ stadium-ready sound since the group made waves with its 2010 debut, Treats, and followed up with the raucous Reign of Terror last year; the just-released Bitter Rivals is as poppy and loud as we’ve come to expect from the group. Yet it somehow comes off as lacking, given that bands like Death Grips have pushed the sonic envelope even further of late. Still, one thing is for sure: Sleigh Bells’ live show is not to be missed.
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