You know how this cheat sheet goes: Democrats = Good; Republicans = Bad. But Pete is not an ideologue. He has picked Republicans from time to time—Regina Quick, Casey Cagle, Doc Eldridge (wait, he was a Democrat then), even, lest you forget, Paul Broun, Jr. It’s just that Republicans in Georgia are mired in those same failed policies that, given free rein, have brought the state of Kansas to its knees economically and are bringing us down here at home. Forewarned, read on.
For Senator: During this campaign Michelle Nunn has stood up to her Republican opponent, that empty suit bulging with money, David Perdue. Nunn has given us every indication that as our senator she will work for the best interests of our state and our nation, regardless of political-party pressures. Vote Nunn.
For Governor: Rather have a crook or a Democrat? Jason Carter, the smart young Georgian from a new generation, can beat Nathan Deal and put a far better face on Georgia politics. Vote Carter.
For 9th District Congress Against incumbent Republican Doug Collins, David Vogel is the woefully underfunded Democrat, a retired school teacher with a lifetime of humanitarian causes and not even an outside chance of winning this race. Vote Vogel.
For 10th District Congress Jody Hice is the go-to guy for wacky statements that fly in the face of science, fairness and reason, making sure that our district continues to be a laughingstock. Ken Dious is the local Democrat. Vote Dious.
For Lieutenant Governor Former state senator and county commissioner Democrat Connie Stokes provides a breath of fresh air against Cagle. Vote Stokes.
For Secretary of State Instead of administering our election laws fairly, incumbent Republican Brian Kemp twists them to deny voter registration for minorities. Vote for his opponent, Democrat Doreen Carter, as a protest. Vote Carter.
For Attorney General Sam Olens pretty much violated his oath of office in trying to cover up for Deal. Democrat Greg Hecht is a respected attorney and former legislator and assistant attorney general. Vote Hecht.
For Commissioner of Agriculture The Republican incumbent is Gary Black, and his Democratic challenger is Chris Irvin, the grandson of longtime Commissioner of Agriculture Tommy Irvin, so, keep it in the family. Vote Irvin.
For Commissioner of Insurance Republican incumbent Ralph Hudgens uses his position as insurance commissioner to fight the Affordable Care Act. Vote for his opponent, Democrat Liz Johnson. Vote Johnson.
For State School Superintendent Democrat Valarie Wilson is eminently well qualified through solid local and statewide school board experience and a demanding management career. Vote Wilson.
For Commissioner of Labor Ever heard of J. Mark Butler? He’s the Republican incumbent. Vote for the Democrat Robbin K. Shipp and keep our state safe for double letters. Vote Shipp.
For Public Service Commissioner In the first one, let’s vote for the Libertarian, John H. Monds, just because he’s not the incumbent and may not yet be thoroughly in Georgia Power’s and Georgia Natural Gas’s pockets. In the other race, waste your vote on the Democrat, Daniel Blackman, just on principle. Vote Monds and Blackman.
For State Senator and State Representative All our legislators get a free ride back into office with no opposition: Bill Cowsert, Frank Ginn, Chuck Williams, Regina Quick and even our lone Democrat, Spencer Frye.
Constitutional Amendments (A) Here’s a perfect example of Republicans run amok: They want to amend our constitution to prohibit an increase in the state income tax rate forever. Vote no! (B) Empower the legislature to increase reckless driving fines and put that money into the Brain and Spinal Injury Trust Fund. There’s got to be a better way. Vote no.
Propose Statewide Referendum The State Board of Regents has bogged the state down in mounting debt through unrestrained building programs based on the expected continued expansion of college enrollment. That hasn’t happened, and now the Regents are trying to bail by privatizing dormitories, and they’re offering tax exemptions to anybody who’ll take dorms off their hands. It is in effect a tax increase on you. Vote no.
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