Biden Could Have Won
As a former president and Hollywood actor who co-starred with Bonzo the Chimp was quoted as often saying, “There they go again.”
Democrats are again mindlessly running in circles wetting their pants because they fear Republican propaganda about Biden’s chances of losing to the convicted felon and certifiable pathological liar/sociopath Donald Trump in the upcoming election. These weenie Chicken Littles are forgetting that the so-called polls are not predictions, but rather indications, mere snapshots of peoples’ preferences at a particular point in time. Perhaps they should buy several packages of Depends and stay the course with the Biden-Harris ticket.
After the pathetic 90-minute speech by Trump at the Republican convention, it is obvious that Trump is unfit to be president. Joe Biden could beat the liar hands down. Further, it should be noted that pathological lying is a serious symptom of an underlying personality disorder as antisocial or narcissistic, both of which are listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. This fact alone—if it were adequately covered and discussed by the news media, instead of ignoring it to the extent of trying to make it appear as normal Trump behavior—would disqualify Trump as a presidential candidate. What are they all afraid of, being sued by the wanna-be dictator?
Fortunately, George Conway, conservative lawyer and ex-husband of Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway, has launched the “Anti-Psychopath PAC” (Google it) to focus on Trump’s mental health, pouring a substantial amount of his own money into the PAC as a public service to inform the electorate, a task which all of the cowardly news media have abandoned while at the same time relentlessly harping on Biden’s gaffes and his bad performance in that joke of a television production CNN actually called a “debate,” with no fact checking or even any insistence that the candidates answer the direct questions of the so-called moderators, who did nothing. They could have pre-recorded their questions and mailed them in for all the good they did. Biden had a cold, was not feeling well and succumbed to Trump’s tactic of a virtual fire hose of lies. Any person would be overwhelmed in attempting to counter on the spot. Even the CNN staff later reported that Trump made more than 30 false claims.
One rule of the shoddy CNN “debate” production, that of no fact checking, was put forth by CNN’s new owners, Warner Bros., particularly FOX-loving billionaire John Malone, who sits on the board and made his billions in the pay TV business. He has publicly stated he would “…like to see CNN evolve” to be more like FOX News. Unfortunately, the twits in the Biden campaign foolishly agreed to this “no fact checking,” and the resulting disaster is history.
On the other hand, Tim Alberta, staff writer at The Atlantic, has been reporting that the Trump campaign is gearing up for a landslide win, depending on a strategy masterminded by Chris LaCivita (the person responsible for swiftboating John Kerry’s presidential bid) in cahoots with Susie Wiles, to torpedo Joe Biden’s chances. Alberta leans toward the idea that the plan cooked up by these two Republican operatives is so dependent on Joe Biden being the Democratic candidate, that if it turns out to be someone else like Kamala Harris, it would throw their meticulous plans awry. This seems to be the thinking, even though voters are reported to have doubts about Harris’s potential. The Politico/Morning consult poll of June 12, 2024 revealed only a third of voters think Harris would win an election (just three out of five Democrats and a quarter of independents believe she would prevail).
The question then becomes, should we go with the wisdom that only experience can truly provide, or gamble on America’s prevailing culture of ageism to save our democracy? My vote is for wisdom and experience versus some potentially clever but risky plan to outmaneuver a devious opposition.
Walter B. Sikora
Why Hasn’t Congress Fixed the Border?
We know that Congress needs to enact immigration law reform to restore order to immigration into the United States. Isn’t that what everyone wants?
Last February, a bipartisan group of senators presented a comprehensive immigration law reform bill. The bill was endorsed by the U.S. Border Patrol. Everyone conceded the bill was not perfect. Bills that receive bi-partisan support in Congress rarely are. What happened to that bill?
Candidate Donald Trump knew that if this bill passed, he could no longer stridently insist that the Biden administration and the Democrats in Congress were refusing to address and solve the chaos at the border. Since this has been his main rallying cry, the passage of this bill would be a disaster for his presidential campaign. So, Donald Trump insisted that his supporters in Congress kill the bill. Trump’s supporters, like Georgia District 10 Rep. Mike Collins, were only too happy to oblige and refused to consider the bill.
So now what? Trump continues to decry the crisis at the border, falsely claiming the Biden administration and the Democrats in Congress refuse to solve the border problem.
Unfortunately, there will be some uninformed voters who believe Trump’s false narrative. Don’t be one of them.
We need to elect a member of Congress in November who will finally get the job done. And that is not Mike Collins.
Bruce Menke
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