Letters to the EditorNews

Biden Brings Dignity Back to the White House

The wise and collective voice of over 80 million voters spoke loud and clear in November 2020. That voice reminded us that most of the populace yearns for a return to decency in public discourse, dignity of public office itself, and to honest and open deliberation by holders of public office. No more jeering, leering, sneering, nose thumbing or name calling by occupants of public office.

That voice demands an end to intransigence, a stop to stonewalling, a goodbye to broad-brush, slapdash mudslinging memes and denigrating made-up misinformation. That voice says we can all get along, without walls and guarded gates, without chain-link and concertina wire, without cages for children. We can let people in instead of shutting them out.

That voice confirms my belief in a rational, secular and scientific approach to problem solving in the face of common threats to public health. It reflects my confidence in public institutions that guide leadership toward effective public policy decisions.

That voice affirms the idea that the more voters we include the closer we move toward the common goal of a democratic society. I hear that voice echoed in all the messages coming from the Biden White House.

Some dismiss that voice as just another clamor from the crowded dank hold of a certain kind of ship, just another wilderness wail from some Hansel or Gretel, abandoned in the deep woods of the day to day. Most, however, hear that voice as a clarion call, as a shout from the rooftops, as a yodel across the vale, or as the ringing peal of the big brass bell of liberty.