Letters to the EditorNews

Wear Your Mask Right, Kirby Smart

Sadly, the University of Georgia has become a microcosm of the failure of our nation’s leadership to wear a mask. Every Saturday, in front of an audience of millions of people, Kirby Smart continues to flagrantly refuse to appropriately wear a mask during the game, despite science proving the importance of keeping the nose and mouth areas covered to prevent the continued spread of COVID-19. This transcends any excuses as to why the face of the University of Georgia’s football team continues not to properly put a mask on and leave it on while in close proximity to others. How many more lives will be hurt for the sake of a football season driven by financial greed that will undoubtedly lead to the further spread of this disease? What is the cost of a football championship? No amount of money will absolve those who are complicit in putting those around them at higher risk by refusing to properly wear a mask.

The University of Georgia and its football program must not perpetuate more careless suffering. Let’s take this season to set the tone that we stand for better. Let’s take this season to change the dialogue and set an example that, “It’s SMART to wear a mask!”