Still somehow I seem to live if it’s but from the help of a loose knit network of friends. Have had to go upon a road of trying to get help from the system and does this ever not help either my mood nor my state of mind. I’m also these days the driven man. Three years ago an idea found me, one I’ve placed on the shelf due to the fact that a good idea without money to turn it into a reality is little more than just a good idea. A friend urged me to take it off the shelf and try to bring it into the world of reality. Easy to say but very hard to do. Spread this through the circles of people that you and I both know. I’m gathering up funds to stay off the streets and to do the work of drafting a business outline then onto a business plan and proposal. I have about 20 percent of what I need pledged, which is currently $100. I have another $400 to $450 more to go. I would like to be a little to the good after payment for lodging. These past three and one half months I’ve done the work of an entire year with several weeks still left for me. My idea along it’s path has been validated and attempted but without the results my hand could lead to success. I’ll not ask any one person for any great amount, but rather work along the collective dynamic. I believe in people, that what we may achieve together can be a miracle in and of itself. I have no gainful employment and until the disability process has run its course I’m stuck here in Athens. All I’m getting is food stamps, which took six weeks to get from the start of the process. Food for thought about our wonderful system. I strive and fight to keep and maintain my dignity, sanity and all else amongst this. Love & Light. ([email protected])
E. G. (Rick) Baker
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