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Hice Boasts About Strong Economy in Athens Visit

Photo Credit: Lee Becker

Hice at the NEGARC meeting.

Congressman Jody Hice’s presentation to the Council of the Northeast Georgia Regional Commission last month was not billed as a campaign event, but it would have been hard to miss the political implications of the message.

In just “two quick years,” Hice told government and civic leaders from the region, the country has gone from having a “stagnant” economy to one in which there is “great economic news.”

Hice said that “tax cuts played a huge role, relief of regulations have played a huge role.” He also said “local public and private partnership has played a huge role” in stimulating the economy.

Hice didn’t mention President Donald Trump, the Republican-controlled Congress, or even his own re-election bid.

He spoke for less than eight minutes, didn’t take any questions and asked for understanding that his schedule required him to leave as soon as he had finished talking.

For more, visit Oconee County Observations.