During 2013, Caterpillar created 364 of the 1,400 full-time jobs it has said it eventually will have at its newly-opened manufacturing plant on the Oconee County and Clarke County border just east of Bogart.
That figure comes from a report Rick Waller, chairman of the Oconee County Industrial Development Authority, filed on Jan. 30 with the Georgia Department of Community Affairs OneGeorgia Authority.
The 364 full-time jobs created in the June 5 to Dec. 31, 2013, period is 264 more than Caterpillar was required to have during 2013–its first year of operation–by the memo of understanding it signed with the two counties in February of 2012.
By the end of 2032, according to that MOU, Caterpillar is to have created 1,100 full-time jobs, though the company used the 1,400 figure in its press release announcing its decision to locate its manufacturing plant in the two counties, and most media reports have used that higher figure.
For more information, visit Oconee County Observations.
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