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Athens Power Rankings for the Week of Aug. 26

Welcome to Athens Power Rankings. In the spirit of sports rating systems, through painstaking analysis, we rank the top movers and shakers in the Classic City each week. Who’s hot? Who’s not? Find out below.

1. UGA students (Last week: N/A; should have been No. 1. Our bad.)

The’re baaaaack.

2. Patterson Hood (Last week: N/A)

Not only did the Drive-By Truckers’ Hood play a two-night homestand at the Georgia Theatre last weekend, he also wrote an essay on growing up in the South and is working on a new DBT album.

3. Kathy Hoard (Last week: N/A)

Thanks to her, we’re getting more community gardens and (maybe) a more civil historic district designation process.

4. Bread (Last week: 1)

Independent Baking Co. opened in Five Points to much acclaim last week.

5. General William T. Sherman (Last week: N/A. 1864: 2)

OK, so he burned down half the state. He’s still more popular in Georgia than Honey Boo Boo.