A MOVEABLE FEAST: You’ve waited three years for its return, and now you can attend the 2022 Scrapstock Festival in all its glory. The event, presented and promoted by Volumes Hip Hop and Aubrey Entertainment, happens Aug. 11–14. This event is free, except for Saturday, Aug. 13. Tickets for that day’s events are $10 until July 31, $12 after then and $15 at the door. Scrapstock takes place at four Athens-area breweries. Aug. 11 at Akademia Brewing Co. features a comedy show and dance party from 7–10 p.m. Aug. 12 at Creature Comforts features performances by djbobfish, Cassie Chantel, Kxng Blanco, BlackNerdNinja, Toni Hunlo, Farin and Sajaad from 5:30–10 p.m. Aug. 13 at Southern Brewing Co. will feature a comedy show and musical performances from Trvy & The Enemy, Squallé, Tyl3r Davis, Shameless James, Tears For The Dying and Hollowbody from 3–10 p.m. Aug. 14 at Athentic Brewing Co. is an industry mixer held 3–6 p.m. For tickets and all other information, please see facebook.com/volumeshiphop.
SEE YOU IN SEPTEMBER: Speaking of festivals, go ahead and mark down Sept. 16–17 at Southern Brewing for the second annual September Days Festival. Presented by Aubrey Entertainment, this event is two packed days of live music. On Sept. 16, you can catch Flipturn, Hotel Fiction, Neighbor Lady, Well Kept, A.D. Blanco and The Getaway Company. On Sept. 17, you’ll get rocked by Vision Video, T. Hardy Morris, Girlpuppy, Heffner, Lighthearted, Wim Tapley & The Cannons, Five Eight, Cannon and the Boxes, The Echolocations, Drew Beskin & The Sunshine and The Head. For tickets and information, please see facebook.com/AubreyEntertainmentAthensGA.
CLEARED FOR TAKEOFF: Experimental project sweetheartflying is keeping pretty busy these days. Indeed, there are three new releases in 2022 already. The latest, from earlier this month, is titled Creature Rehearsal and was recorded as one continuous session which was then broken into three tracks (parts 1–3). Instrumentation on this includes a plumbutter, cocoquantus, electric guitar, contact mic, metal pans, sticks, pinecones and additional found objects. Musically, prepare to lean into the process of listening without prejudice, and let the clicks, clacks, bleeps and bloops take you on a journey to the center of your mind. Climb aboard at sweetearthflying.bandcamp.com.
SUNSPLASH 2022: The always-working Echobass Records has a new release from Pine Till Palms named Heartbreak Estates. Featuring the irrepressible vocals of Razzi King and Jackson Dodd, this whole record is a nice slice of 1970s-style reggae and dub. Especially strong are tracks “Caught Up” and “Out To The Sun.” Roll the windows down and pass the dutchie at echobassrecords.bandcamp.com.
MUSIC FOR HUMANS: Songwriter Bradley Knudsen, working under the name manywaters, will share his new album A Light Behind The Glass on Friday, July 22 with a release show at The Lewis Room at Tweed Recording. The first single, “Behind The Glass,” is all that’s available until the release date, but fans of Brian Eno should pick up on this immediately. Knudsen correctly categorizes this material as “ambient/folk” but it’s more structured than that description might imply. Knudsen recorded the album at home but mixed it during his time in the Audio Production Program at Tweed Recording. At any rate, take some time and check this out over at manywaters.bandcamp.com.
ROLL UP: If you’re looking to kick off the weekend a little earlier than normal, I can recommend heading over to Athentic Brewing on July 22 and catching songwriter and musician Sarah Mootz. The night begins at 6 p.m. Mootz is still in the “up and coming” category but is continually working and putting herself out there, and this effort should be recognized. For the unfamiliar, Mootz travels in the indie and pop worlds but not the indie-pop world, if you know what I mean. Her latest single, “Muse,” was released earlier this month. Follow along at facebook.com/sarahmootz or www.sarahmootz.com.
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