
CCSD Closed, UGA Classes Delayed on Thursday

Snow surrounds the bulldog statue in front of the University of Georgia Center for Continuing Education and Hotel. Chamberlain Smith/UGA

Hope everyone stocked up on milk sandwiches: Clarke County public schools will be closed again on Thursday due to poor conditions on secondary roads, according to an announcement from the Clarke County School District.

UGA announced a delayed opening of 10 a.m. for Thursday, with the first classes starting at 11:10 a.m. Dining halls will open at 8 a.m., and Campus Transit will start running at 10 a.m.

Other area schools that will be closed Thursday include: Athens Academy, Jackson County, Barrow County, Oglethorpe County and Madison County.

Commerce and Jefferson schools’ opening will be delayed two hours.

Oconee County schools will be operating normally on Thursday.