Athens Mayor Kelly Girtz appeared on CNN this morning for what was billed as some “trash talk before [the] big game” with his Tuscaloosa counterpart, Walt Maddox.
It wasn’t exactly White Men Can’t Jump-level trash talking, but Girtz did manage to twist the knife a little bit.
“I have high hopes for tonight. The same way it took Luke Skywalker a little while to vanquish Darth Vader, we’ll be able to do the same,” Girtz said. “We’ve all got our burdens to bear. We’re licking our wounds from recent challenges. Imagine what it’s like to live in Alabama. You have to worry about public education. You have to worry about your middle school kids getting married and dropping out. Challenges abound.”
The two college-town mayors agreed on a bet: The loser will make an unspecified donation to the winner’s charity of choice.
Here’s hoping that Girtz makes good on the deal in the (let’s admit it, likely) event Georgia loses to Alabama tonight (again). Maddox let it be known during the interview that he never received the beer or the check for the Tuscaloosa Pre-K Initiative that former Athens Mayor Nancy Denson promised him in 2018.
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