Greatest Of All Time, GOAT. Whether you attribute the origin of the term to Muhammad Ali or LL Cool J, we can all agree that being called a G.O.A.T. is not baaaad. It is actually a big compliment. Our Flagpole readers have once again voted for their picks in over 90 categories in the 2023 Flagpole Athens Favorites contest.
You have goat to be kidding yourself if you think that putting this issue together is easy. There are many in our Flagpole herd who need to be thanked. Larry Tenner, Chris McNeal and Cody Robinson created the baaaadass designs for the theme logo, cover, awards and ads. Our sales team of Fabienne Mack and Jessica Mangum didn’t kid around when it came to selling ads. A special thanks goes out to Marsha Sheffield and Alex Womble who bravely brought Benjamin (Benny) and Jellybean, their goat babies, into downtown Athens. Thanks to Jason Thrasher, of Thrasher Photo and Design, who took on the challenge of photographing our goat friends, and to Suzannah Evans for photographing a few of our winners. Finally, a big thanks to Joey Tatum and Christian DeRoeck from the Manhattan, Mr. Haircut’s staff, the Georgia Theatre staff, and Len Pagano for being models or letting us use their space. This just might be the G.O.A.T. of the Flagpole Favorites issues.
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