Exploring humans’ relationship to the natural world—whether as a part of it or something outside of it—is the central premise of “Touch Grass,” a collaborative exhibition by Georgia Writers Museum and the Steffan Thomas Museum of Art. The title, a popular internet saying, implies a sense of disconnection from the real world in an increasingly technological society. The exhibition’s combination of nature and art is inspired by studies that have shown viewing art in person to be as impactful as viewing nature in person, much more so than viewing either on a screen. Featured artists include Raven Waters, who uses a variety of mediums to depict people, animals and birds in their environments, contemporary clay artist Senora Lynch of the Haliwa-Saponi Tribe and the late Steffan Thomas. An additional special exhibition spotlights Alex Huynh, a young visual artist, photographer and children’s book creator from Atlanta.
WHO: “Touch Grass” Opening Reception
WHEN: Saturday, Feb. 1, 4 p.m.
WHERE: Steffen Thomas Museum of Art
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