Arts & CultureCalendar Picks

Calendar Pick: A Spell for Winter

A Spell for Winter

The world premiere of A Spell for Winter will introduce audiences to Winter, an attendee of the Solacer Wynd School of Technical Magic and Tavern Management who finds that she cannot cast a single spell. Winter must figure out how to cast a spell in a single night, facing her past, a ghost, her classmates, her familiar and the night itself in the process. The play is the work of locals Derek Adams (book, lyrics and direction) and Jonathan Sparks (music and music direction). Adams says that the company is looking forward to going head-to-head with the wizard-themed movie that is also in the spotlight this holiday season. A discounted ticket price of $17.94 is available for students, seniors and Town & Gown members. Evening shows are on Dec. 6–7 and Dec. 12–14 at 8 p.m., and matinee shows are on Dec. 8 and Dec. 15 at 2 p.m.

WHO: A Spell for Winter
WHEN: Dec. 6–7, 12–14 at 8 p.m. & Dec. 8, 15 at 2 p.m.
WHERE: Town & Gown Players
HOW MUCH: $23.09