Based on the beloved DreamWorks animated film, Tony Award-winning duo Jeanine Tesori and David Lindsay-Abaire’s adaptation of Shrek is familiar, yet refreshing. With new choreography and direction by Danny Mefford, the show is more moving than ever, emphasizing the importance of self-acceptance and love for others as the audience follows the whimsical journey of Shrek, his sidekick Donkey, Princess Fiona and other fairy tale misfits. The production combines all the humor and vibrant characters of the original film with an engaging score. Tesori says, “We wanted to make a show that families could come to, to laugh and be moved. Something that would create a memory because everybody has felt like an ogre now and then.” This is the first show in The Classic Center’s 2024–2025 Broadway Entertainment Series, which will go on to include other well-loved productions like Annie and Dear Evan Hansen.
WHO: Shrek the Musical
WHEN: Thursday, Oct. 3, 7:30 p.m.
WHERE: The Classic Center
HOW MUCH: $25–95
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