The Black Power Rangers is a group of Black comedians whose sharp and witty standup acts highlight their experiences living in America, weaving together social commentary, pop culture and laughs. The group was founded by Wills Maxwell in 2022, and since then they have toured in a dozen cities across the country each year. For this third year of the tour Maxwell (Wilmington, NC) is joined by Jordan Centry (Charlotte, NC) and Brandi Augustus (Knoxville, TN). Each stop also features special local guest performers, which for the Athens show will include Atlanta comedian Tiffany Burke and Athens comedian Phillip Broughton. This is the Black Power Rangers’ first show in Athens; Maxwell says, “I’ve heard nothing but good things about the comedy in this city and it’s an honor to be a part of it.”
WHO: Black Power Rangers Comedy Tour
WHEN: Sunday, Sept. 22, 9 p.m.
WHERE: The Globe
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