Real estate broker Cindy Karp’s creative flame was rekindled during the pandemic when she discovered artistic communities online where she could share her work. Karp’s photography is captured using only her iPhone and edited with self-taught effects and apps, but her small range of materials hasn’t stopped her from finding international acclaim. Her photos have been shown in 54 countries and appeared on scores of magazine covers and digital art websites. Her series, “Portraits Through My Eyes,” is an exercise in storytelling, capturing fleeting moments and emotions in her subjects with a mastery over light, composition and depth. Her works are on display through Sept. 22 in the Bogue Gallery, and 20% of the revenue from portrait sales will benefit the homeless shelter Bigger Vision of Athens.
WHO: “Portraits Through My Eyes” Opening Day
WHEN: Sunday, Aug. 25, 2–6 p.m.
WHERE: ACC Library
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