TC Superstar is a collaborative performance group that combines electronic indie pop music, dance and visual arts. Formed in 2017 under the direction of frontman Connor McCampbell, it features a wide cast of choreographers, performers and collaborating musicians from across Austin, TX. The collective’s discography is equally diverse in its themes. Its debut (from which the collective’s name originated via a track called “Toyota Corolla”), is about notions of masculinity, while its subsequent release, a conceptual EP called Heat Death, is about consumerism and the environment, and more recent albums cover everything from love and relationships to the nature of entertainment consumption. TC Superstar’s most recent album, Static Dynamic, is described in Happy Mag as “a sprawling celestial collection” that explores the ideas of home and humanity amidst the conversation of colonizing Mars. The collective’s Athens performance will be opened by local bands Neat Freak and Dog Person.
WHO: TC Superstar, Neat Freak, Dog Person
WHEN: Friday, Aug. 9, 8 p.m. (doors)
WHERE: Flicker Theatre & Bar
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