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Watch the Downtown Parade of Lights Online or on Cable

Mark McConnell holds an owl while walking with the Georgia Climate Coalition in the Parade of Lights in downtown Athens on Thursday, Dec. 2, 2021. Credit: Sarah White

The Downtown Parade of Lights is now available for viewing at, on YouTube and on Athens-Clarke County’s government access station through Dec. 31.

More than a dozen organizations won awards for their floats, including Double Helix STEAM School, Zaxby’s, New Urban Forestry, Summers Plumbing, Extra Special, the Madison-Oglethorpe Animal Shelter, the Eastern Piedmont Beekeepers Association, Monsignor Donovan Catholic High School, Pathfinders and Adventures Club, the ACC Solid Waste Department, the UGA Club Dance Team, the Madison County High School Band and Classic City Rollergirls.

The talk of the town, though, was the Georgia Climate Change Coalition float, which featured both a guitar player on a unicycle and a person in a flamingo costume on a unicycle. And yes, that owl is no more! He has ceased to be! He’s expired and gone to meet his maker!

The 42-minute video will air on Charter channel 180 at 8 a.m., 2 p.m., 8 p.m. and 2 a.m. daily, except when pre-empted by commission meetings. ACCTV will also show a 48-hour marathon of past parades on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Be sure not to miss Rotisserie Jesus or the runaway camel!