U.S. Rep. Jack Kingston (R-Savannah) has been widely rumored for weeks to be running for retiring U.S. Sen. Saxby Chambliss’ seat. He’s scheduled press conferences in Savannah and Brunswick Thursday and more appearances statewide on Friday.
Word just arrived that Kingston is coming to Athens, too. He’ll visit Marker 7 Coastal Grill in Five Points at 1 p.m. Saturday.
Of course, a congressman doesn’t randomly decide to barnstorm the state. He’s running for Senate. Rep. Paul Broun (R-Athens) is already in the race, along with Rep. Phil Gingrey (R-Marietta). But Kingston’s more moderate, reasonable conservatism and Athens roots—he was born and went to school here—means he’s likely to outpoll Broun in his both their hometons.

Meanwhile, another candidate joined the race for Broun’s seat. Gary Gerrard, an Oglethorpe County lawyer, CEO of the nonprofit ACTION Inc. and a Republican, jumped in this morning.
“For far too long I have sat on the sidelines and watched politicians fail to represent the people who elected them. With a sluggish GDP, faltering job growth, and a Congress that refuses to come to grips with its addiction to overspending, it has become ever apparent Congress is broken,” Gerrard said in a news release. “I have been a sideline critic for long enough–I believe I can help bring real solutions to Washington and get Georgians and all Americans back to work. That is why I have entered this race – not to climb the political ladder, not to claim any spotlight–but to save the American Dream.”
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